YDB Support


When you contact your YottaDB support channel, they will often ask for metadata to establish context around the issue for which you want support. The YDBSupport plugin is a shell script that captures general metadata about the system and database that you can submit to your YottaDB support channel along with your support request. Submitting it with your support request may get an answer sooner since your support channel team may not need to come back with a request for metadata. The script works with both YottaDB as well as the upstream GT.M.

  • If $ydb_dist, or failing that, $gtm_dist, is set, it uses that as the location of the YottaDB/GT.M installation. If neither are set, it checks whether the script is installed in the plugin subdirectory of a YottaDB/GT.M installation. If that is also not the case, it looks for a /usr/share/pkgconfig/yottadb.pc file. If it cannot find a YottaDB/GT.M installation, it reports system metadata that does not rely on access to YottaDB/GT.M.

  • With a YottaDB installation, it reports both $ZYRELEASE and $ZVERSION. With a GT.M installation, it only reports $ZVERSION.

  • If $ydb_gbldir, or failing that, $gtmgbldir, is set it reports metadata about the database. If neither is set, it reports metadata about the system and the YottaDB release / GT.M version.

  • If run as root, the system metadata includes the output of the dmesg command; if run as a normal user, this is not available. Running as root also provides more diagnostic information about processes and core files.

  • In the environment variables that it captures and reports, it omits any environment variable whose name includes the case-insensitive substrings key, passp, or passw, in order to avoid inadvertently reporting environment variables that may contain sensitive information.

The preferred way to run the script is sudo -E <path_to_script>/ydb_support.sh. The -E command line option passes the environment variables to the sudo script. Without sudo, you can run it as <path_to_script>/ydb_support.sh to get metadata without dmesg output. You can use the -h / --help option for a full list of command line options:

$ $ydb_dist/plugin/ydb_support.sh -h
./ydb_support.sh [-f|--force] [-o|--outdir OUTPUT DIRECTORY]
sudo -E ./ydb_support.sh [-f|--force] [-o|--outdir OUTPUT DIRECTORY]
  [-p|--pid "PID OR CORE FILE"] [-h|--help]
  [-l|--logs-since "JOURNALCTL TIME FORMAT"]
  [-u|--logs-until "JOURNALCTL TIME FORMAT"]

  -f|--force removes the output directory if it exists before starting, else an error will be emitted
  -o|--outdir <directory> the output directory to store files in before compressing
        DEFAULT ydb_support
  -p|--pid <pid or core> the PID or core file of a YDB/GTM process to get information from
  -h|--help displays this message
  -l|--logs-since <time spec> passed to journalctl (if present) to control starting time of logs
      DEFAULT: 2 hours ago
  -u|--logs-until <time spec> passed to journalctl (if present) to control topping time of logs
      DEFAULT: now
  -n|--no-logs if present, no information from the system beyond what is required for processing -p is collected

Running as root with sudo also captures dmesg output; running as a normal user does not. When
running with sudo, the -E option is important to capture environment variables.

Here is an example of running it, as a normal user:

$ $ydb_dist/plugin/ydb_support.sh -p 33386 -o /tmp/support
## Gathering system information
## Gathering environment variables, omitting keys, passphrases, and passwords
## Gathering system logs
## YottaDB/GT.M distribution is at /extra/usr/local/lib/yottadb/r201
## Gathering information about the database
## Getting filesystem information
## Analyzing active process
## Done getting information, packing tarball
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
## Done! Please review the files in /tmp/support to make sure that they only contain metadata
## that can be sent. If not, please edit them as needed, and run the command
##   tar -czf /tmp/support.tar.gz /tmp/support
## to recreate /tmp/support.tar.gz. Send /tmp/support.tar.gz and a description of your problem to your
## YottaDB support channel, as well as the severity (impact), scope, and timeframes. You can
## remove the directory /tmp/support afterwards. Thank you.

The directory /tmp/support contains several files:

$ ls -l /tmp/support
total 288
-rw-r--r-- 1 ydbuser ydb    457 May  7 12:07 df.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ydbuser ydb     43 May  7 12:07 dmesg.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 ydbuser ydb  32761 May  7 12:07 dse_all_dump_all.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ydbuser ydb   7225 May  7 12:07 env.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ydbuser ydb   2337 May  7 12:07 gdb_33386.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ydbuser ydb   3992 May  7 12:07 gde_show_command.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ydbuser ydb     88 May  7 12:07 global_dir.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ydbuser ydb  47043 May  7 12:07 journalctl.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 ydbuser ydb    745 May  7 12:07 lsblk.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ydbuser ydb    144 May  7 12:07 lsb_release.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ydbuser ydb   3132 May  7 12:07 lscpu.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ydbuser ydb    320 May  7 12:07 lsmem.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ydbuser ydb    641 May  7 12:07 mtab.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ydbuser ydb 143461 May  7 12:07 mupip_dumpfhead.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ydbuser ydb    469 May  7 12:07 os-release
-rw-r--r-- 1 ydbuser ydb    125 May  7 12:07 uname.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ydbuser ydb    105 May  7 12:07 zversion.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ydbuser ydb    106 May  7 12:07 zyrelease.txt

The files are as follows:

  • df.txt contains the df output for filesystems other than loop devices. A not-uncommon reason for issues is unmonitored filesystems running out of space.

  • dmesg.log would have contained the dmesg output had the script been run as root. In this case, the file notes that it requires root to run, and reports the userid used to run the script.

  • Both dse_all_dump_all.txt and mupip_dumpfhead.txt contain database fileheader information. The information in both files is the same, but the former is in human-readable format whereas the latter is more easily consumed by software.

  • env.txt reports the envionment variables, except those potentially containing keys, passphrases, and passwords, as noted above.

  • gdb_33386.txt shows the output from running gdb on process 33386. When run as a non-root userid, gdb may show less output than when run as root.

  • global_dir.txt is the output of GDE SHOW COMMAND; importantly, how the globals are distributed across database regions.

  • journalctl.log is journalctl output , showing syslog entries.

  • lsblk.txt, lscpu.txt and lsmem.txt are the outputs of the lsblk, lscpu and lsmem commands, with information about system block devices, CPUs, and RAM.

  • lsb_release.txt, os-release and uname.txt provide information about the operating system distribution and version.

  • mtab.txt is the output /etc/mtab on mounted filesystems except loop devices.

  • zversion.txt is the output of $ZVERSION, and for YottaDB releases, zyrelease.txt is the outpyt of $ZYRELEASE.

We suggest that you download ydb_support.sh and run it to ensure that you are comfortable with the metadata it is collecting. If not, please adapt it as befits your situation.