Octo Upgrade Guide


This guide describes the process for upgrading Octo from an older to a newer version. Before you start, make sure you source your environment file so that you are ready to execute YottaDB commands.

Get your current Octo version

Run octo --version to get the current version that you will be upgrading and note it down. This will help you troubleshoot any upgrade issues if you run into trouble.

Stop Octo processes

If you set-up system services (e.g. rocto as a system service), then you need to stop the system services (this part is not shown below).

pkill octo
pkill rocto

Stop journaling and replication

Replication not shown.

$ydb_dist/mupip set -journal="off" -reg '*'

Install Latest Octo

You can install the latest YottaDB and Octo in a single step with sudo ydbintstall.sh --octo or by executing ydbinstall.sh --octo as root. If you already have YottaDB r1.34 or later installed, sudo ydbinstall.sh --octo --plugins-only --overwrite-existing will install Octo, or update Octo if the latest version is not installed. Installing Octo with ydbinstall /ydbinstall.sh also installs plugins that Octo depends on.

mkdir /tmp/tmp ; wget -P /tmp/tmp https://download.yottadb.com/ydbinstall.sh
cd /tmp/tmp ; chmod +x ydbinstall.sh
sudo ./ydbinstall.sh --octo --plugins-only --overwrite-existing

Update the Octo VistA DDL

If you use Octo with VistA, you should also update the "VistA DDL" if it has changed since your last Octo.

Remember that earlier $gtmroutines/$ydb_routines directories override later ones. Make sure you put the new copy of _YDBOCTOVISTAM.m over the first one, or ensure that there are no other copies.

The following example illustrates determining the location of _YDBOCTOVISTAM.m and replacing it with the latest code:

$ find . -name '_YDBOCTOVISTAM.m'
$ curl -L https://gitlab.com/YottaDB/DBMS/YDBOctoVistA/-/raw/master/_YDBOCTOVISTAM.m -o ./p/_YDBOCTOVISTAM.m

Now run the VistA DDL Generator to produce the VistA DDL:

$ $ydb_dist/yottadb -r %XCMD 'S DUZ=.5,DIQUIET=1,DUZ(0)="@" D DT^DICRW,MAPALL^%YDBOCTOVISTAM("vista.sql")'

Load the generated DDL into Octo:

$ $ydb_dist/plugin/bin/octo -f vista.sql

Verify functionality by running a sample query

$ curl -LO https://gitlab.com/YottaDB/DBMS/YDBOcto/-/raw/master/tests/fixtures/TVD0006.sql
$ $ydb_dist/plugin/bin/octo -f TVD0006.sql

If you see results all is well. You can delete TVD0006.sql file after that.

Restart journaling

After this, you can start the processes again, in the following order:

  1. Enable Journaling (e.g. $ydb_dist/mupip set -journal=on -reg '*')

  2. Enable replication (not shown)

  3. Enable Services (not shown)

At this point, you are done with the Octo upgrade.